Friday, February 27, 2009

Dear Readers,

Hihihihihi!!! i am here again!! gd news to share with you guys out there!! The tagboard is FINALLY up!! Finally, finally, yay!!! haha i think you have been waiting for our tagboard for a LLLLLOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG time right? so happy tagging bye =))

Gem =DDD

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hey all! Have not posted for a long time, but don't expect a lengthy post cos i do not have time... Lots of homework to do!!! Expect links to our blog soon, okay!!! Link us if you want to =D we welcome you with open arms. Expect a tagboard too...

Y Kerianne

Monday, February 23, 2009

Dear Readers,
hello,i am gem... i have linked three blogs so that our blog can be more interesting with lots of linked blogs =) i have linked three members of Dreaming Nerdettes=) Xara,Ariella and me!! haha hope you will enjoy our posts in both Dreaming Nerdettes and our own personal blog =) Of Course we will still be posting this blog ,we won't abandon this blog=) ok signing off now.. i need to do my revision bye bye


Friday, February 20, 2009

Dear Readers,


Sorry, We haven't been posting for quite a period of time maybe about a week and keep you, readers waiting and wasting your precious time at the same time... because of this I have to apologize on the behalf of our group, Dreaming Nerdettes We have not been posting for a lloonnnggg time as quite a number of things have kept us busy (even me) lately... plenty of homework and projects are piling up day by day and the deadline follows one after another... hmm... I think I am complaining and defitnitely not blogging haha...=)

anyway I post this post just to keep this blog alive maybe we shld put a tagboard sometime later even if we dont post for a period of time, to keep you readers entertained.( haha what a word to use) =)

Haha Sorry or saying 'Sorry' all the time (in my previous posts and my current post...) I'll try not to do that next time when I post my next post the other time =) signing off now... bye =)


Gem =))))


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

As you can tell... I have remove the poll... As i will be putting a new one up... The question was...

Do you prefer Twilight or Harry Potter?

Well, most ppl vote Twilight (well, duh!) I think maybe because of the acting? The storyline? Actors maybe? Haha... I think it will be my all time favourite movie... Haha... Look out for the new poll to vote...

Ps. If we have enough time, we will change the post every week... If not enough time we will change it once every month okay? I have also added something new... Its The Daily Puppy... Hope you like it...


Like what Gem had said, we will be trying our best to make this blog lively... But most of the time we will be going on and on about Twilight (maybe me only... Haha), so i hope you dont find it a bore... I've just update our playlist... I also added a few new songs from Wonder Girls and Paramore... Haha... Also a song from Twilight (Bella's Lullaby)... Maybe my post will only be about this short... i think we won't be updating about our lives so fast... (Haha...) But maybe will TRY to find TIME to update our blog... Haha... Gotta Run... maybe walk... Haha

Bye... (We will be known as the crazy (maybe not so crazy) twilighters... Haha)

Ps. just to tell you... I am the most lamest among my sisters... Haha


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dear readers,

Hello,I am
Gem,sorry i took such a LLLOOONNNGGG time to introduce myself... haha i think you should know who am i now..=)(hope you know me) since i have posted quite a number of posts before i introduce myself to you.
yes,like all my other buddies have just said i am also a twilight fan a.k.a twilighter... we have kept quite a low profile (i guess) about our craze for twilight movie and books.

I am the second youngest among my buddies,which means, i am still young and cute haha just kidding ... (i am so thick-skinned ...)

Since i am the last person to introduce myself to you i shall end it with a conclusion:

Hope that you will remember our NICE names and look forward to read our post...We, will not disappoint you by posting posts on this blog whenever we can =)(we are busy people) =D maybe for some of us are busy people but i know i am not THAT busy so MAYBE i and Xara will be the one who will post this blog frequently i am not so sure abt Xara but i will certainly TRY my BEST to keep this blog alive whenever i can. With this, i will sign off for now...=)


Monday, February 9, 2009

Umm... May i know who you are, Z??? How did you get in??? Its super interesting that i do not know who you are...Heh heh, Maybe your a spy =DD

Ps: Why are we lambs... we're not weak or vunerable...we're are strong women!!! So we should be Tigers...Rawrr

Pps: Make that ladies... XD
Au Revoiur!

Y Kerianne

Hello Lambs...

Look like you all are having fun & I bet you guys are reaaaal young.

Keep this space posted & interesting.

I look forward to your next entry.


Hello... I forgotten to introduce myself the other time... My name is Xara (as you can see)... Not boasting but i think that my name is very unique... How many people can you think of that has the name Xara??? Like my 'sisters' says (actually some of my sisters says it... Not all...), we are a bunch of crazy twilight fans (aka twilighters)... Hehe...

As you know... I am now under the twilight spell which makes me think of them 24/7... LAME... So far me and Gem has post the most on our blog... Then comes our da jie da... I will be adding a few additional song on our playlist.. The song are Bell's Lullaby (so far one of our favourite songs... As you can guess it is from... non other then TWILIGHT!!!) and an personal favourite of mine... Brighter by Paramore... Haha... I think i will be ending the post with a quote...

Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf? - Jacob Black



Sunday, February 8, 2009

U Hey hey people! I'm Kerianne! Now this is officially my first post ( The very first post does not count because i did not introduce myself so....) I'm the oldest among all this girlies so that's make me the 'Da Jie Da'... heh heh * evil, maniacal laugh... Okay, now that was lame and i'm seriously getting carried away, so now more superbly exciting stuff about me. Although i'm the oldest among them, I'm not that old... probably only 99 years old...heh heh=D I'm also super short for my age ( I know why i'm short, There is a saying that the older you grow you know why, it is because when you bathe, the water washes away your height. Haha now that is super LAME ) which means that i can wear 6 inch heels without towering over anyone, so that's a PLUS point for all the shorties out there!!! That's all folks! ( I sound like the cartoon, not sure what but i think its the Looney Toons ) so therefore i will change it... That's all my wonderful readers! Tata! Ciao! Cherio! Au reviour! Bye! Zai Jian!
Y Kerianne

Ariella here...I sharing tis blog wif miie homies.Hey...don think any weird thingys cos' I am just an ordinary girl,kay? Haiz....sian....I am youngest amoung the five girls and the tallest so ppl think I am the oldest.Haiz.... Ppl always think I am older then I am... It make miie feel so old...JK lah...Lots of dot dot dot(for example: .... ) The five of us are huge fans of Twilight...Haiz... nothing much to say...Signing off....BB...

hey hey:)
isabelle here saying hello to everyone here looking at this blog...
looks like there are lots of twilight fans here:)
and chinese new year is coming to an end:(
but i like to wish every1 here a happy chinese new year here:)
so thinking if everyone out dere is on the jacob team or edward team:)
hope to get some replies:) haha:)
take care everyone:)


Friday, February 6, 2009

Hello,I am BACK!! haha i know that we have only three posts since the debut of our blog...which is about a month ago right? i certainly hope that we will be able to post almost everyday but i guess most of us are very busy with our School work as almost half of us are going to take a very very important National Examination this year(O'Levels and PSLE) so we hope that you will be understanding,but even if we don't post for several days, I think our posts are quite satisfying as they are packed with informations in it =)

One more thing,i've added a music playlist so that our blog will not be too plain.Feel free to change/add songs since there are only 3 songs,Single ladies,Girls just wanna have fun(our theme song),Decode(fav. song)(i add songs that are 'related'to us like ladies or girls or our fav movie) am i right? if i am wrong then please correct me=) the website is myflashfetish =)) ok signing off now =)


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sorry, we have not post on this blog for such a long time... We will post as much as we can when we have free time... :P This blog is so dead... Haha... Don't worry... I will bring it back to life!!

I am getting so bored... I have nothing to do now... So now i am watching TV... I am like recording my day in this blog... haha...

FYI. For the movie Twilight, each of us will be surporting a 'team' right?? You will find out who will be on whose 'team' on the next post... :) I think i will be logging off now... Haha... Bye... I will be posting again soon... See you next time... Oh yah, I forgot to wish you all Gong Xi Fa Cai... Xue Ye Jing Bu...


Gazing at the pretty rainbow..

We are the Dreaming Nerdettes made up of Popcorn, Kerianne, Isabelle, Xara, Gem and Ariella. We occasionally enjoy school and get together on saturdays. That's all people! Keep on rockin'!!! ( Loving Me ) ♥ Dreaming Nerdettes :D
Help me link in alphabetical order. :D
Ariella | Gem | Xara | Kerianne | Isabelle | Melissa


January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
June 2009
July 2009
January 2010
February 2010

speacial thanks
Designer - HUIYI
Basecodes - CandyCoat
Icons - ThreeMoreSteps